Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ridiculous decision

From the 100 graduates sent to undergo a month long training in InfoSys, Mysore, 37 of them were offered jobs. Out of which only 9 took up the job with InfoSys and Genpack. This according to me is ridiculous. If they didn’t want to work why did they have to take up the opportunity in the first place?

If it was given to us, I’d have taken up the offer gladly. Since we completed only in June, we missed the opportunity. Are those grads not informed of the possible jobs when they were sent down? Or did they do it just to kill time and add one more certificate to their collection? After this incident, I am sure no Indian company or international for that matter, would want to invest in Bhutan and its human resources. This really will discourage the international companies and as a result would inflict loss on the Bhutanese economy.

I have personally visited InfoSys (Bangalore) and it’s something like a ‘paradise on earth’. They have everything inside. From gym to cafeteria to basketball and volley ball court everything is inside the campus. It’s a vast campus and they have cycles and electric cars to go from place to place. We were taken for a tour inside the campus. It’s such a beautiful working environment with eternal peace, totally cut-off from the buzzing busy traffic of the Bangalore City. We were informed that Mysore InfoSys is much bigger with 500 acres campus. It’s such a shame that our grads are not willing to work in InfoSys.

Another example of this could be the VTI graduates. We always find them complaining about the lack of job opportunities in Bhutan, when in fact they themselves are ashamed of working in what they are trained for. If they are ashamed of blue collar jobs why did they take up in the first place? There maybe others who are not ashamed of labor. Who have the sense of ‘dignity of labor’?

What are our Bhutanese graduates looking for in a job? A rotating chair and a cabin of their own and playing solitare a day long in office? Are we all aware that not every one of us is lucky enough for that? We need to do away with the Bhutanese attitude of always giving orders and not willing to succumb to low paid and manual jobs.

If one isn’t interested let us not take some one else’s opportunity. Who knows what the next person wants?

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