Saturday, December 6, 2014

While I was away...

It’s been almost 2 years without a single post on my blog. Actually I hated the last look of it and never even looked at it but time sure flies, it didn’t feel that long. Two years is a long time therefore so much has happened, so much has changed in my life. Last time I posted anything I was working in BNBL and had so much leisure time but now I have become a mother and my responsibilities have tripled over the year, my time is not my own anymore.

Motherhood is the greatest gift of life any woman can enjoy. I didn’t like babies much before my son was born. I was clumsy and couldn’t stand baby-poop and cries but that all changed with the birth of my own baby Pezu. Today I feel my life is centred about him; I work hard so that he could have a better life. I strive to provide him all the things I missed out in life, I want to be able to give him better education. Fortunately for us, Pezu is a beautiful baby. He learns fast and he is already starting to take wobbly little steps. With little support and rest he can walk the entire length of the room. It’s such a joy to have him around. At 1 year of age, he has travelled 3 countries, boarded flight 6 times, ridden bus, train, been on beaches, elevators, malls, childcare and met many people and tasted many cuisines. He’s been truly exposed and I am glad that I could give him the opportunity though he may not remember any of these when he grows up.

Australia is extremely good country to live in, I could write so much about my experience but I would like to dedicate one post to that therefore I shall not divulge much here. I fell in love with this country the moment I landed on Australian soil. Bhutanese people come here with the only motive to make money, I did not have any such motive so I dragged my infant baby along but the pressure of not working much was hanging at the back of my mind. By law and as a student I was allowed to work only 20 hours a week, more than that wouldn’t have been possible anyways due to hectic Uni work; we are bogged down with assignments and exams during the semester. I was working 20 hours, studying full time Uni and being full time mother. The juggle between work, Uni and baby was tough I was driven to the point of depression and I missed home and missed my old life in Bhutan, yet in the end I pulled it off. I could do all of the three with good progress and result. It may be too early and presumptuous to say that yet because I still have one year to complete my Master’s program but with hard work, dedication and time management I think I will be able to succeed.


Sonam said...

Welcome back Peldon to your blog. I thought you forgot your blog. You know we all stared blogging almost at the same time. I also landed up producing less and less post due one or other reason. But I feel we should come back to blog as we often spend more time on facebook than anything. On facebook, we post today and soon forgotten. But here on our blog, it remains cleans and feel more happy to read what we wrote years back. I am trying to keep it alive. I could post only 5 in 2014 but in 2015, I already posted five and expect some more posts as we travel the journey of 2015.
Your writing is well though and well written too. I would wait to read some more in 2015.

Unknown said...

Hi ST it's sad yeah...I just can't bring myself to write anything. I feel like an invalid at the thought of writing anything but I'll try to write something. Thanks for dropping my on my otherwise deserted blog.