Thursday, September 10, 2009

Importance of law in democratic society

This morning from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm we had attorney general of Bhutan, Dasho Ugen Chewang and officials from the office of attorney general (OAG), speaking on “importance of laws in democratic society”.

The graduates asked questions on minor rape, freedom of expression, freedom of press etc. I asked a question which pertains to “minor rape”.

Bhutan today have modernized so much and people have opened up their minds and have become so liberal in thinking that we no longer look down upon or objects to couples living together before marriage and divorces etc.
However, we still witness a drastic increase in minor rape cases.
There are according to me, two solutions to this: either re-introduce the corporal punishment (which I believe, was abolished from our legal system), and the second option, could be to legalize prostitution so that the innocent youth/minors need not become the victims of rape.
I have heard and read of cases where a father rapes his own minor daughter, which is indeed a horror for all of us.
What according to you, dasho, is the solution to minimize the cases of minor rapes in Bhutan?
Thank you.

My question was answered by some one from OAG but he did not come up with any solution. He just stressed that minor rapes are serious problem in Bhutan and we do need to keep a check on it.

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