If I were a boy, I’d become a driver because driving seems like the best profession in the whole wide world. I’ve always envied a driver more than a doctor but for the life of mine I could never afford to buy a car for myself neither had I the privilege to learn.
Knowing to drive must be loads of fun; seriously I fail to understand why some people hate driving or why big shots need drivers to drive them around the city or to work. If only I knew driving, I’d drive, drive and drive. If I had money I’d rather invest in cars than in real estate properties.
At this stage of my life, I deceive myself by thinking I’ve achieved the very basic necessities of life except maybe a car to complete the cycle. If I were to die in a couple of months, the first thing on my bucket list will be driving. To me driving is like craziness, I totally adore it and it’s going to be stuck with me for a long time to come.
Now that I come to think of it, car loan is the sole reason why I joined a bank instead of the civil service, in the first place, since bank employees can avail car loan at 5 %. If only I could own a car by myself I wouldn’t have to rely on others to learn driving. As it is people are quite reluctant to lend their car for learning purpose because many believe new hands are not good for their car. As much as I love driving I’ve this wheel phobia equally (whatever the technical term for this is), but it’s not going to stop me from pursuing my dream, come may hell or high-water.
While walking to office in the morning, I envy every driver on the street that sweeps by me, that I’d so consumed by greed by the time I reached my office. For me, the greatest possession of any man, is a car (s), although almost every Bhutanese buy car (s) on car loan provided by the banks.
I just can’t wait for my probation period to get over so that I can avail the car loan too. Doesn’t matter how big or small, which brand, as long as it has 4 wheels, mobile and can take me to places?
Having learned absolutely no driving till date, I’m little skeptical of this car craziness; whether I’d ever learn or if I could afford, of accidents, of license etc etc…but come on, let me think of all these things in future. For now, I need to reassure myself that I can do it if million others can….